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Thank you for your interest in learning more about volunteering with the Carmel Dads’ Club. During the year, over 11,000 children participate in our various sport programs. We are organized and run almost entirely by volunteers from the families of our participants.

Families are asked to participate as a volunteer in one volunteer position each sport season.   The requirement is only ONE volunteer position per family, not per child.  (For example: a family with 3 children participating in sports only needs to work one volunteer position).  Families are welcome to volunteer in multiple positions if they would like, but it is not required.  KAP families are still asked to participate in the Dads' Club experience by adhering to the Volunteer Requirement Policy.  Families must fulfill their volunteer requirement by selecting from on the following positions: 

Sports Commissioner
(Help create and manage your child's age division league)  
Criminal Background Check Required
Head Coach 
(Only head coaching applies towards the volunteer requirement, not assistants)
Criminal Background Check Required
 Concession Worker
(ONE 2-hour shift)
 Team Sponsor
(Sponsor your child's team)

While we encourage everyone to share in the volunteer experience, we understand that not all families are able to volunteer due to other commitments or schedule conflicts. To accommodate this, families may opt out of volunteering by paying a $25.00 Volunteer fee.   This payment can be made during registration or anytime during the season.

The process for selecting a volunteer position normally occurs during the sport registration process. Each sport season, when registering your child/children, you will be asked to make your family’s volunteer selection at that time. Again, the volunteer requirement is only ONE volunteer position per family during the sport season in which you are participating. 

The volunteer requirement applies to families participating in Rec Leagues,Travel Leagues and KAP scholarship. If during the sport season your volunteer position/selection changes, please call the CDC office so that your records can be updated.

To be fair to all our families, if your family does not fulfill your selected volunteer obligation, you will be subject to a $50.00 fee that will be charged at the end of the season.

Your assistance and volunteer hours are greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for your efforts in ensuring the Carmel Dads’ Club’s continued success in offering a positive and successful sporting experience for your children!

Below is a description of the each of the volunteer positions and what they involve.

concession worker

Volunteering as a concession worker is a fun way to fulfill the season's volunteer requirement.  It is fast paced and interactive.  Working concessions is also a great opportunity to meet other CDC parents.

  • Families are required to volunteer for ONE 2-hour shift per season.  It is per family per season NOT per child per season. 
  • Convenient online scheduling allows for easy sign up and/or rescheduling of shifts.
  • You may volunteer at any venue.Carmel Dads’ Club runs more than 10 locations throughout Carmel allowing convenience to home or your child’s sporting events.
  • Concessions shifts must be worked during the sport season. We cannot give credit for a shift worked outside of the sport season.
  • Failure to sign up for a shift within the sport season OR failure to show for your scheduled shift, will result in being charged $50.00.

Please click here to view FAQ regarding concessions.

Head Coach

Make a lasting impact in the lives of Carmel Dads’ Club participants. Volunteer Head Coaches are considered a role model for young athletes and are held to a high standard of sportsmanship, fair play, and full participation.

  • Represent the Carmel Dads’ Club.
  • Have the knowledge and understanding of the Carmel Dads’ Club League Rules and Expectations.
  • Abide by the Coaching responsibilities and expectations set forth by the Carmel Dads’ Club.
  • Place the feelings of the participants first.
  • Provide each player with equal playing time at practices and games.
  • Place emphasis on the importance of sportsmanship and fair play.
  • Educate the young athletes of the fundamentals of the sport.
  • Assure good communication with parents and players, including communication by phone or email.
  • Provide a safe and fun environment for the children.
  • Attend all league meetings, practices and games.
  • Supervise assistant coaches and parents.
  • Contact sport commissioner with questions, comments and concerns.
Coaches are required to complete a criminal background check every season.

sports commissioner

The Sports Commissioner is the driving force behind our athletic programs. Each league is run and organized by a commissioner. There is an overall Commissioner and grade level Commissioners.  Commissioners should possess the following qualities:

  • Passion for sports and the desire to teach young athletes.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the Carmel Dads’ Club League Rules and Expectations.
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills. Commissioners deal with everyone from coaches, athletes and parents to the Carmel Dads’ Club athletic director, referees and umpires. They must be able to communicate the needs and expectation of the program.
  • Be highly organized, motivated, confident and a firm decision maker. Commissioners make schedules for each sports team and make sure there are no conflicts between programs that use the various athletic facilities.
  • Energetic, driven and capable of overcoming obstacles, and possess strong leadership skills.
Please contact the Carmel Dads’ Club office if you are interested in becoming a sports commissioner.

Commissioners are required to complete a criminal background check every season.

team sponsor

Team and corporate sponsorships are an important part of Carmel Dads’ Club. Funding from sponsorships allow Carmel Dads’ Club to continue to offer affordable sport programs to the community in a safe environment. Team sponsors will receive:

  • Company logo on team jerseys
  • Recognition on the sponsorship page of CDC website with a link to your business
  • Recognition in an issue of the CDC e-newsletter sent to all Carmel Dads’ Club members
  • Sponsorship plaque with team picture
Please click here for details of available sponsorships or to register as a team sponsor.

volunteer opt-out fee

A $25.00 Volunteer Opt-Out Fee is available for families who choose not to volunteer during the sport season. This fee can be paid at the time of registration or during the sport season. Please email Marci Fedorcha at [email protected] to opt-out of volunteering.  A $25.00 charge will be added to your CDC account that will need to be paid before the end of the season.


Carmel Dads' Club
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday 8:30am-5:00pm

5459 E. Main Street Carmel Indiana 46033 

Phone: 317-846-1663

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